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What is group therapy?

Group Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves working with several people at the same time in groups of up to eight members together with a qualified groupwork specialist. The prospect of joining a group may seem a bit daunting at first, however research shows that group therapy is at least as effective as individual therapy. We are often daunted by the prospect of speaking out but learning to share experience in the group context can deliver many benefits. Groups are a particularly beneficial way to explore our inter-personal relationship styles, particularly how we interact and are perceived by others within a social context.

The principal advantages of group therapy include:

  • Group therapy allows people to receive the support and encouragement of the other members of the group. People participating in the group can see that others are going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone.
  • Group members can serve as role models for other members of the group. By observing someone successfully coping with a problem, other members of the group can see that there is hope for recovery. As each person progresses, they can, in turn, serve as a role model and support figure for others. This can help foster feelings of success and accomplishment.
  • Group therapy is often a very affordable therapy option. Instead of focusing on just one client at a time, the therapist can devote his or her time to a much larger group of people.
  • Group therapy offers a safe haven. The setting allows people to practice behaviours and actions within the safety and security of the group.
  • By working in a group, the therapist can see first-hand how each person responds to other people and behaves in social situations. Using this information, the therapist can provide valuable feedback to each client.

What next?

At UK Counselling Network our qualified group therapists offer an ever expanding range of group experiences. Our Low Cost Counselling Groups are a great opportunity to receive high quality psychotherapy from trained practitioners at cost effective rates.

Our groups typically meet once a week, or more, for an hour or ninety minutes.

So what does a typical group therapy session look like? In many cases, the group will meet in a room where the chairs are arranged in a large circle so that each member can see every other person in the group.

A session might begin with members of the group introducing themselves and their reason for attending or the session may start when the first person starts to share their thoughts and feelings about their personal concerns or issues.

The precise manner in which the session is conducted depends largely on the goals of the group and the methods used by the therapist conducting the group.

Group analysis, for example, might encourage a more free-form style of dialogue, where each member participates as he or she sees fit. Other groups will perhaps have a specific plan for each session that might include having group members practice new skills with other members of the group in the session.

More benefits of our group therapies

Our therapy groups are a particularly beneficial way to explore inter-personal relationship styles and how we interact with others.

The principal advantages of our group therapies include:

  • they are a very affordable option for counselling.
  • they allow people to receive the support and encouragement of the other members of the group.
  • people participating in the group can often see that others are going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone.
  • they afford the opportunity for group members to serve as role models for other members of the group.
  • by observing someone successfully coping with a problem, other members of the group can see that there is hope for recovery.
  • as each person progresses, they can, in turn, serve as a role model and support figure for others. This can help foster feelings of success and accomplishment.
  • they offer a confidential space. The setting allows people to practice behaviours and actions within the safety and security of the group.

Being in a group

At UKCN, we have two categories of group therapy, which comprise:

Analytic groups – longer term therapies, which focus on your interpersonal relationships and social interactions and encourage a free-flowing conversation where group members reflect on their life experiences and issues. The groups will look at the ways in which personal histories have been shaped by conscious and unconscious experiences.

Prior to joining an analytic group, you will be required to engage in an assessment with a qualified group therapist.  The fee for this is £45.00. Following your assessment session for group therapy, the weekly analytic group fee is £30.00 per session.

Psychoeducational groups – these groups focus on an educational element and exploration of group members shared experience in a particular subject. For example, we offer a 10-week anger solutions group.

Prior to joining an pyscho-education group, you will be required to engage in an assessment with a qualified group therapist.  The fee for that assessment is £45.00. Following your assessment session for group therapy, the weekly analytic group fee is £30.00 per session.

What can I gain from group sessions?

“My analytic group met weekly for about 40 weeks in a year. Sometimes sessions would begin with one of the group members sharing their thoughts and feelings about issues affecting their lives. The sessions encouraged the group members to engage in an open dialogue. We all participated as we saw fit. Sometimes I had a lot to say and sometimes not so much. One of the benefits I felt was that I could speak freely about anything I wanted to.” Robert

“I was attracted to join my menopause group specifically because it focused on on topic, the menopause. As a woman experiencing the menopause, I often felt isolated, ashamed and unable to share my feelings with people around me. Coming to the group, I felt an enormous sense of relief and learnt that I no longer had to feel ashamed.” Jane

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